Are you longing for a transformative experience that combines the power of community, guidance, and personal growth?


October 5th - November 23rd

This program invites you to tap into your potential and embark on a journey to discover and define your personal strategy for launching your idea, deam or goal!  We will equip you with all the tools you need to develop your own personal strategy to create whatever you want - right now!   


Whether you're adapting to a return to office, venturing into a  new life phase, holding tight to a life long idea, dream or goal, or embracing fresh opportunities, this is the ideal moment for transformative choices in your personal and professional life and make "it" happen now! 


Say goodbye to going it alone. This isn't just another course – it's a dynamic virtual group experience. Connect with a supportive community of like-minded people who are on the same path. With collective encouragement and empowerment, we're here to dive in and make a real impact by creating your personal strategy that you can use over and over again to achieve even more of your amazing ideas, dreams, and goals!

Interactive Coaching Sessions

Engage in regular group coaching sessions where you'll have the opportunity to share your challenges, celebrate your victories, and receive valuable feedback from both the coaches and fellow participants. These interactive sessions foster deep self-reflection, personal breakthroughs, and meaningful growth in a collaborative and encouraging environment.

Tailored Curriculum

This program is designed to meet you where you are on your journey. Through a carefully curated curriculum, you'll explore various aspects of self-discovery, including uncovering your passions, overcoming limiting beliefs, cultivating self-compassion, and designing a life aligned with your true desires. The program is adaptable and flexible, no matter where you are in your journey.

Accountability and Momentum

The group coaching experience provides accountability and momentum to propel you forward. By setting meaningful goals and receiving ongoing support, you'll stay motivated and committed to your personal growth. The collective energy of the group will inspire you to take courageous steps, challenge yourself, and make profound transformations.

Embrace the excitement of achieving your dreams in a fun and supportive environment. Only 10 exclusive spots are available. We begin October 1st - December 1st.

Week 1: Dream Big! In the first week, you’ll ignite your imagination and start visualizing your dreams. We’ll kick off by brainstorming and sharing your ideas, dreams, and goals (iDG’s) with your new dream team. By the end of the week, you’ll have crafted an exciting vision for your iDG, feeling energized by the collective enthusiasm of the group.

Week 2: Playful Planning During Week 2, it’s time to turn those dreams into a playful, actionable plan. You’ll learn how to transform your iDG’s into a plan that feels both achievable and thrilling. By the week’s end, your plan will be in place, making your big dream feel within reach and more exciting than ever.

Week 3: Time Magic Week 3 focuses on mastering time management in a way that’s both effective and enjoyable. You’ll learn how to create time for what truly matters to you, ensuring you have the energy needed to pursue your iDG’s without feeling overwhelmed. By the end of the week, you’ll have a time management strategy that boosts your energy and keeps you on track.

Week 4: Navigating Challenges with Courage In Week 4, we’ll tackle obstacles with creativity and confidence. You’ll develop a personalized toolkit filled with resources and strategies tailored to overcoming your unique challenges. By the end of the week, you’ll feel empowered to approach any hurdle with courage and ingenuity.

Week 5: Resource Adventure During this week, you’ll embark on a resource adventure, discovering and utilizing hidden resources that can aid in your journey. By the end of the week, you’ll have uncovered valuable tools and support systems, ensuring you’re fully equipped to succeed.

Week 6: Mid-Quest Review Week 6 is all about reflection and recalibration. You’ll take a moment to reflect on your progress so far and make any necessary adjustments to your plan. This week ensures that your journey continues to be aligned with your fun and joy goals, keeping your iDG’s at the forefront of your life.

Week 7: Vision Crafting In Week 7, you’ll develop a captivating and engaging vision for your iDG’s. We’ll explore how to use your senses to craft a detailed vision that encompasses the mental, physical, spiritual, and social aspects of your goals. By the end of the week, you’ll have a comprehensive vision story ready to guide your future endeavors.

Week 8: The Grand Launch Party Finally, in Week 8, it’s time to bring your dream to life and celebrate your achievements. You’ll present your iDG’s at the Grand Launch Party, connecting with like-minded people and making your big “ask.” We’ll close the program by celebrating your success and planning forward for continued growth and achievement.

Are you ready to make your idea, dream or goal come true? Embrace the excitement of achieving your dreams in a fun and supportive environment.


We begin Saturday, October 5th at 9 am.

Discover Your Strategy is where connection, growth, and transformation converge. It's time to step into a circle that embraces and empowers you. Ths summer embrace the power of community, engage in enriching coaching sessions, and unlock the extraordinary possibilities that lie within you. Join Discover Your Strategy today and embark on a journey that will forever change the way you implement and accomplish your ideas, dreams and goals.